* 4 Stroke Engine

4 Stroke Engine 

Stroke= Stroke is the distance between BDC and TDC. the piston moves from BDC to TDC is called 1 stroke. while in 4 stroke engine, the piston moves 4 times up and down, is called 4 Stroke engine. 


TDC = Top Dead Centre
BDC= Bottom Dead Centre

4 stroke engine

1st Stroke
 Suction Stroke.
                                        inlet valve = Open
                                       Oulet valve = Close
                                    Piston moves = Down
                                          Fuel+ Air = Entering due to suction
2nd stroke
Compression Stroke. 
                                 Inlet Valve = Close
                              Output Valve = Close
                             Piston Moves = Up
                 Mixture ( Fuel + Air )=  Ignite due to compression in Diesel, and by spark in petrol 

3rd stroke
Power Stroke. ( Master stroke ) 

                                  Inlet Valve = Close
                               Output Valve = Close
                              Piston moves = Downward due to the high pressure and high temperature 
                                        Power = Developed

4th Stroke
Exhaust Stroke. 
                              Inlet Valve = Close
                            Outlet Valve = Open
                          Piston Moves = Up
                             Burnt gases = Out
No of Revolution produced by 4 stroke engine = 2