* How Maglev Train Technology works

 Basic science of Maglev Train Technology

 The basic principle of Electromagnetic science is that two opposite poles of the magnet attract and like pole repel each othernorth oppose to north and south oppose to the south, and this principle is use inside the maglev train for lift and propulsion. after the enhancement of technology. 
                                                N = Notrh pole ,   S = South pole

The magnetic train uses the magnetic levitation to move the vehicle without the surface contact.the magnet use to create both lift and propulsion. and the train can move without ground contact. maglev train holds the record of 603 km/h. Because of less friction, it has more speed than the other train. 


Two type of maglev train technology are-

EMS and EDS are the technology of maglev train, they differ on the basis of attractive or repulsive force. 

1. Electromagnetic suspension  (EMS).  In electromagnetic suspension,  Electromagnet is attached to the train, while the train levitates on a V-type steel rail. the electromagnets attract towards the ferromagnetic rail. which can make a gap about 10-15mm between both. it allows the carriage to lift 150-160 mm above the guideway.

 Result of the repel and attract pole = Train moves

2.  Electrodynamic suspension (EDS).    EDS is based on the principle of superconductivity ( the superconductor cooled at a critical temperature ). the superconductor placed on the side of the train carriage. 

  • the train and carriage both exert a magnetic field( repulsive and attractive force). the train levitated by repulsive and attractive force between this magnetic field.  

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